RBC: “United Russia” plans to ban its deputies from publishing photos of luxury, using jargon and communicating with the media

United Russia has developed a "code of public positioning of a State Duma deputy." This is a set of recommendations on behavior for representatives of the faction of the party. In it, in particular, the deputies are advised not to publish photos of a luxurious life, to communicate less with the media and not to write “in social networks in an inadequate state.” RBC got acquainted with the document, its authenticity was confirmed by one of the members of the State Duma.

According to the publication, the "code" consists of the following 11 items. The Insider quotes them unchanged.

In addition, the "code" contains examples of bad behavior of deputies. Among them is the publication of the deputy Sultan Khamzaev in January 2022. In it, United Russia stands for "holding a referendum in Kazakhstan on the reunification of the republic with the historical homeland of Russia." Also, United Russia does not recommend becoming like MP Oleg Matveychev. He also published a post during the January protests in Kazakhstan, in which he called for violence against the owners of mobile phone shops in Almaty.

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