Former State Duma candidate Mikhail Lobanov was beaten, robbed and arrested for 15 days

Former State Duma candidate and associate professor Mikhail Lobanov was arrested for 15 days for “disobedience to police officers” during a search. It was carried out in the case of Ilya Ponomarev "about fakes" about the RF Armed Forces. During the search itself, Lobanov was beaten, beaten in the face and in the chest. There was blood on the floor in the apartment, according to his Twitter page. Also, all the equipment was taken out of the apartment.

“The security forces quickly cut out the door and talked to Lobanov in the apartment for more than three hours. They did not allow to contact a lawyer, demanded to sign some papers and behaved unjustifiably cruelly, Mikhail's wife Alexandra Zapolskaya reports. During the search, the investigator called the name of Ponomarev (probably meant Ilya Ponomarev), with whom Lobanov is not familiar and is not connected in any way, ”says Lobanov’s page.

After the “search”, he was taken to the Ramenki police department, and then to the Nikulinsky Court of Moscow, where he was charged under the article on disobedience to a police officer (19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Mathematician Mikhail Lobanov ran for the State Duma in the fall of 2021, was nominated with the support of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, he was supported by Alexei Navalny's Smart Voting. Lobanov's main competitor in the 197th Kuntsevsky single-mandate constituency was TV propagandist Yevgeny Popov, supported by United Russia and the Sobyanin list. Lobanov was in the lead by more than 10 thousand votes, but after the publication of the results of remote electronic voting, it turned out that Popov won.

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