UnionPay has limited cash withdrawals from Russian cards abroad

The Chinese payment system UnionPay has introduced a limit on withdrawing cash abroad from cards issued by Russian banks. It is reported by RBC with reference to sources in the banking sector. Earlier, Primorye Bank published a message about the introduction of a limit on cash withdrawals.

It will be possible to withdraw no more than 50 thousand yuan per day (about 500 thousand rubles) or the equivalent in another currency, and no more than 500 thousand yuan per year (a little more than 5 million rubles).

“If you need to withdraw cash from ATMs in excess of the established limit, we recommend that you issue an additional UnionPay card,” Primorye Bank said in a statement. At the same time, non-cash transactions are not limited.

According to information on the official website of the payment system, in Russia UnionPay cards are issued by Russian Standard, MTS Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Gazprombank, Solidarity, St. Petersburg, Primsotsbank, Primorye, RRDB, Zenit and Post Bank .

In September, UnionPay restricted its work with Russian acquiring banks that are under Western sanctions. After Visa and MasterCard left Russia, UnionPay remained the only international payment system that continues to operate on its territory. The company did not announce the termination of cooperation with sanctioned banks, but in the spring it banned them from issuing their cards. Among the Russian acquiring banks that fell under Western sanctions are Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank and Promsvyazbank, the largest in Europe.

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