Bloomberg: The richest Russians lost $46.6 billion on the day the war began

The richest people in Russia lost $46.6 billion on February 24, the day the war against Ukraine began. Bloomberg writes about it.

After the European Union, Britain and the United States imposed sanctions against Russian oligarchs, they lost the ability to control their Western assets. They lost another $47 billion during 2022. Superyachts are on hold, London's luxury real estate market is poised for a downturn, and Roman Abramovich announces the sale of Chelsea Football Club.

Previously, the publication has already estimated the loss of the richest Russians. According to him, the war in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions hit NOVATEK co-owners Gennady Timchenko and Leonid Mikhelson the hardest. Both came under British sanctions. Timchenko lost $10.6 billion in 2022, while Mikhelson lost $10.2 billion.

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