Russia Today war correspondent Valentin Gorshenin was detained in Moscow for a conflict with people whom he himself classifies as Chechens. Gorshenin wrote about what was happening on his Telegram channel. Later, he deleted all messages, but journalist Ilya Shepelin and the Baza Telegram channel managed to save them.
Judging by Gorshenin's posts, he was in a bar in the center of Moscow. There he began a conflict with the "Chechens", the causes of which are unknown.
“Tverskaya, the drunken Chechens have forgiven. Tried to prove that I have no right to be here. They said that I was not on my land. Drunk, threatened to kill. The cops said that 6 business trips to the NVO zone are fucked up, ”wrote Gorshenin (spelling and punctuation preserved). After that, he said that he was detained and taken to the police department in the Tverskoy district. According to him, the companion of one of the "Chechens" called the police. Gorshenin also tried to influence them by mentioning the name of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, but it did not work.
"Voyenkor" was taken to the police department, accompanied by four policemen. "Chechens," Gorshenin wrote, were released because "they are adequate." “On the 15th, General Zolotov signed awards for us, and today the musar is being covered up on Tver by bandos from the Caucasian republic. And they don’t take them, but me!” he wrote.
Upon arrival at the police department, Gorshenin published a video. On it, he, apparently, is in a state of alcoholic intoxication and says the following: “The Chechen proved to me that the girls who work in the institution are good girls. I tried calling 112 to fight them. 112 arrived. Tver police. ATS. They brought me, not him, but him. Not him, but me. Here. And here is the lieutenant. After that, the police officer points out to Gorshenin that filming at the service facility is prohibited and tries to take his phone away from him. In total, Gorshenin released 27 posts.