"Arguments and Facts" published an article under the heading "Foreign humanitarian organizations were engaged in robbery in Soledar", which says:
“During the battles for Soledar, foreign humanitarian organizations were engaged in killings and robberies of civilians. This was told to aif.ru correspondent by a resident of the city named Vladimir.
“Strange people often traveled around the city, pretending to be humanitarian organizations and offering to take people out. They told women to take the most valuable and go with them. There were also foreigners among these people. I know for sure that after that one woman was found killed nearby on the outskirts of the city. They were just looting under the guise of humanitarian aid. My wife was offered to leave the city like that, ”said Vladimir.
According to him, humanitarian aid was still transported around the city, but its quality was worse than animal feed.
“Do you know what the Ukrainian military called us? 'Individuals'. When they went from house to house, they wrote down for themselves – 'Individual one' and 'individual two'. And they brought us humanitarian aid corresponding to their attitude. Representatives of various humanitarian organizations constantly brought us humanitarian aid. Some Jehovah's Witnesses. The humanitarian aid was Polish – there were Polish canned food. But it was impossible to eat them. Even the cat refused. It's so disgusting that even in a hungry year you won't eat it. They brought a small package of this muck and also offered to divide it into three, ”said the man.”

The text of the publication in "AiF" is given in full. There are no details – neither the name of Vladimir, nor the name of the murdered woman, nor the name of the organization whose representatives were engaged in murders and robbery. Instead, Vladimir speaks simply of "foreign humanitarian organizations." Of course, there is no video or at least audio recording of the conversation with Vladimir either.
This flight of fancy hardly needs any comments. But the Ukrainian online publication StopFake noted that by the beginning of the fighting for Soledar there were very few inhabitants; everyone who wanted to was evacuated. On January 11, the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Pavel Kirilenko, said that at that time 523 people remained in Soledar, some of them decided to leave, but due to intense hostilities, this was impossible. It is extremely unlikely that in such a situation someone tried to rob local residents, since there was simply no chance to take out the loot.
The statement that the Ukrainian military referred to Ukrainian citizens as “specials” looks extremely doubtful. It can be assumed that during the census of the inhabitants who remained in Soledar, in the documents in Ukrainian they were called the word “person”, which means “face”, “person”.
Jehovah's Witnesses do deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine from Poland and have set up 27 committees in the country to distribute it among those in need. Whether it was brought to Soledar is not known; The palyanytsya.info website has a list of charitable organizations delivering food to the Bakhmut District, and Jehovah's Witnesses are not among them. But assessing the quality of canned food with the help of a cat is a more than strange idea: far from every animal will find food that contains spices to be edible.