Russian z-channels, as well as the so-called military correspondents, published a video message from Tatyana Azarevich, who calls herself the wife of Igor "Bereg" Mangushev and reports that her husband was massacred in the rear, but no one is looking into the case. Azarevich also claims that Mangushev is a serviceman of the Russian army, captain of the 4th brigade of the 2nd Army Corps of the 8th Army of the RF Armed Forces. Earlier it was known that Mangushev is on the territory of Ukraine in the ranks of mercenaries.
“My husband, on the night of February 3rd to 4th of this year, while in the rear in the city of Stakhanov, Luhansk People’s Republic, received a bullet wound in the head under unspecified circumstances. According to doctors, this is a blind gunshot wound, the bullet stuck in the brain. Presumably, this is a 9 mm pistol bullet. As far as I know, although almost a day has passed since he was wounded and hospitalized, no investigative actions have been taken so far. And not even a criminal case. Although, judging by the nature of the injury, it was an attempted murder. Or even execution. Since, according to the doctors, the shot was fired at close range, in the back of the head at an angle of 45 degrees, from top to bottom. In addition, he has not yet been transported to a proper medical facility. Although, according to doctors, his condition allows transportation. And in the hospital where he is, they refuse to operate on him, referring to the lack of technical capabilities and the necessary equipment.
I, Azarevich Tatyana Alexandrovna, appeal to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, to the leadership of the Military Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee, the FSB and in general to everyone who may be concerned with a request to find out why investigative actions are not being carried out and proper medical care is not being provided to my husband. And I ask you to do everything in your power to conduct a proper investigation, to establish the perpetrators and the circumstances of what happened. As well as providing my husband with proper medical care.”
Information about the wounding of the neo-Nazi Mangushev appeared on February 4, the same Russian "military correspondents" and z-channels wrote that he was taken to the neurosurgery of the city of Stakhanov in the "LPR" with a blind gunshot bullet wound to the head. It was reported that the shot was fired "from a short-barreled weapon, a bullet presumably 9 mm, at close range, occipito-parietal region, wound channel from behind down at 45 degrees."

Mangushev is known as the ex-leader of PMC "ENOT", which was created on the basis of the nationalist movement "Light Rus'" and the association of military-patriotic clubs "Reserve". Raccoons participated in military campaigns in eastern Ukraine and Syria, as well as during the annexation of Crimea. It is also known that he is associated with the "troll factory" of Yevgeny Prigozhin, which he himself admitted . Also, by order of Prigozhin, he organized provocateurs who worked for money against Lyubov Sobol in the elections to the Moscow City Duma – he came up with a story with an "underground" workshop for stamping fake signatures for the nomination of Sobol. According to Novaya Gazeta, he was paid 300 thousand rubles for the "Love" complex of events.
In August 2022, Mangushev held a stand -up with a skull in his hand. From the stage, he stated that it was the skull of a Ukrainian soldier killed near Azovstal, and that all Ukrainians must be destroyed. “Our war is a war with an idea. With the idea of Ukraine as an anti-Russian state. Why can't there be any reconciliation? Ukraine must be de-Ukrainian. The Russian lands of “Little Russia” must be returned back,” Mangushev said. “Everyone who considers themselves Ukrainians will be destroyed,” said Mangushev.