At the end of November, a high-ranking White House official raided the KAMAZ plant in Tatarstan with an inspection. In the federal government, Denis Manturov is responsible for the entire industry. He also heads the supervisory board of Rostec, this state corporation basically owns KAMAZ.

“The company fully fulfills all existing obligations and ensures the transport security of the country,” Manturov was assured at the enterprise. As The Insider has established, the state-owned company also provides for the luxurious life of the Deputy Prime Minister himself. And he also fulfills his obligations.
enrichment scheme
Denis Manturov was recognized as the wealthiest minister for three years in a row: according to the results of 2019, 2020 and 2021. But how he earned a total of 2 billion rubles in three years was unknown. In the public part of his declarations, only bare figures of income were indicated. But thanks to leaks from the tax authorities, The Insider was able to find out where Manturov gets the money from – and uncover the corruption scheme for the official's personal enrichment.
In 2020, according to the Federal Tax Service, Denis Manturov received 297.7 million rubles from STFC KAMAZ LLC. This company is the official distributor of the head KAMAZ and is wholly owned by it. It sells both original spare parts and parts produced by allied factories.
Sources of The Insider revealed on what basis the state-owned company transfers hundreds of millions to Manturov annually. This happens "under the contract for the sale of securities No. 308-18 / z dated December 25, 2018." In 2020, as noted above, Manturov thus received almost 298 million. In 2021, according to our source, the same amount. Payment is made on the same dates twice a year: January 15 and June 30.
With this input, The Insider figured out which securities were being sold. To do this, it was necessary to analyze changes in the list of affiliated persons of KAMAZ PJSC.

On December 25, 2018 (just on the day of the conclusion of the agreement between Manturov and the "daughter" of KAMAZ), JSC "ServiceGroup" and its CEO Svetlana Grinenko were among the company's affiliates. The Insider also got acquainted with the explanatory note to the balance sheet of ServiceGroup for 2019, LLC STFC KAMAZ is indicated as a shareholder of the enterprise. Information about previous owners is not available.
There were no other changes in the composition of KAMAZ affiliates on December 25, 2018. And this gives reason to assume that Minister Manturov or one of his family members acted as the owner of ServiceGroup and the seller of the shares. We found a few more confirmations of this, which gives reason not just to assume.
Family directors
Someone has family doctors or family fitness trainers. And Denis Manturov has family CEOs who wander from one business asset of the official's relatives to another. And, having understood this “migration”, we can prove that the Minister of Industry stood behind the company “ServiceGroup”, which, due to the status of JSC, does not publicly disclose its shareholders.
For the last three years before the sale of ServiceGroup, Oleg Rumyantsev was the director of the company. At the same time, he was a member of the board of directors of JSC Boarding House Primorye. Among the assets of this company is the Primorye Grand Resort Hotel in Gelendzhik. The last disclosed ultimate beneficiaries are the mother of Deputy Prime Minister Tamara Manturova and the son of the head of Rostec, Stanislav Chemezov.

The Insider got through to Oleg Rumyantsev and asked to confirm or deny that Denis Manturov was behind the Service Group company. “I have no comments,” he replied.
Rumyantsev was also in charge of Cherry Orchard LLC. This is another asset of Manturov's mother. The company registered a mansion on Stanislavsky Street in Moscow with an area of 794 m².
Before Rumyantsev and since 2011, JSC ServiceGroup was headed by Ilya Ryzhiy. And he was also listed as a director in the Cherry Orchard and other Manturov firms.
Profitable house
Denis Manturov has been the head of the Ministry of Industry for 11 years. If he studied the history of Russian industry, then he must be familiar with the name of Alexei Milyutin, a Russian manufacturer who founded the largest silk manufactory in Moscow in the 18th century. However, there is another reason for this: it is in Milyutinsky Lane that the mansion that enriched Minister Manturov stands.
According to an extract from Rosreestr available to The Insider, since 2008, ServiceGroup JSC has owned the building at 10 Milyutinsky Pereulok, building 4. This is a six-story building with an area of 2338.5 m².

Real estate is worth at least a billion rubles.

Before it was profitable to sell the mansion to KAMAZ, Manturov made money by renting out space. Including the structures of the government in which he worked. Thus, contracts for the lease of premises between ServiceGroup and FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia were concluded in 2016 and 2017 . More than 117 million rubles went to the minister's family company even without a competition.
Other assets
The family of Deputy Prime Minister Manturov leads a luxurious life, as befits the family of the wealthiest member of the government. This also affects cars, for the production of which in Russia the Minister of Industry is responsible. Manturov is in favor of increasing the share of domestic cars in the domestic market, but his relatives love foreign car brands.
True, the Deputy Prime Minister himself owns a Lada Vesta, but he is unlikely to use it: at the time of preparation of the material, the car had an expired OSAGO policy. But everything is in order with the policy of the Tesla car owned by Manturov.

The Deputy Prime Minister's daughter, 27-year-old Leonela, drives a Mercedes-Benz E 450.

Her brother Yevgeny Manturov prefers the BMW 8 that collided with the bus. The deputy prime minister's 24-year-old son owns a stake in Altima, which is developing a registration service for sporting events. Eugene is an athlete himself – he is a European champion in practical shooting. When asked by The Insider correspondent if he, like his peers from poor families, wants to risk his life in the war and put his skills into practice, Manturov Jr. did not answer.
The official's wife, Natalya, owns the Lancet network of aesthetic medicine clinics. Some of the business projects are designed for Manturov's mother and mother-in-law.
Mother-in-law Alla Kisel has a dairy farm in the Tver region. Kisel in 2021 became the owner of 358 hectares of land in the Zubtsovsky district.

The 84-year-old woman also owns BMW i8 and Maybach cars.

The 86-year-old mother of the Deputy Prime Minister Tamara Manturova has a Mercedes-Benz S350. She also appeared as the owner of a mansion in the Pirogovo yacht club near Moscow for 5 billion rubles. The Manturov family also found a hotel in the center of Moscow for 2 billion rubles, a network of gas stations , a Kuban winery and commercial real estate in Gelendzhik .