“The revival and development of mechanical engineering is becoming critical.” The State Duma wants to return drawing to the school curriculum

The head of the Ministry of Education, Sergei Kravtsov, was asked to consider returning to the school educational program of drawing. According to Izvestia , the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, Yana Lantratova, addressed him with such a request.

“In connection with the conduct of a hybrid war by Western countries against the Russian Federation, including economic sanctions, the revival and development of heavy industry and mechanical engineering is becoming critical, which requires the training of a large number of qualified technical specialists in this field,” the document says.

According to Lantratova, the lack of drawing at school leads to "a significant decrease in the level of technical, spatial and creative thinking of schoolchildren."

Officially, drawing was excluded from the school curriculum in 2019.

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