In Russia, the dictionary of prison terms of the project "Seated Russia" was blocked. The list of prohibited resources is maintained by Roskomsvoboda.
The court banned the Prison Glossary page from the Prison Consultant website. There is a short list of terms used by prisoners, as well as their explanation. As Roskomsvoboda experts note, the dictionary does not contain “prison romance propaganda” or “AUE”, it is a reference book for explaining the terms that are used among prisoners.

Last year, the prosecutor of the Urupsky district filed a lawsuit with the court. The case was considered in summary proceedings. The decision to block was made on March 21, 2022, but the text is still missing on the court’s website.
Earlier, independent Russian media journalists found out that Roskomnadzor is monitoring social networks in search of words that users call Russian President Vladimir Putin or sign his photos. The list includes the following words: bastard, shit, asshole, whore, bitch, creature, scum, geek and hundreds of others.