Mobilized on vacation break their arms and legs so as not to return under the command of Wagner PMCs

Mobilized from the 51st Tula Regiment of the Airborne Forces, attached to the Wagner PMC, break their arms and legs on vacation so as not to return to the front under the command of the PMC. This was stated by the Russian military blogger and expert Andrei Morozov (“Fighting Cat Murz”) in his Telegram channel.

According to him, the mobilized deliberately injure themselves, because, while working on the evacuation of the wounded "Wagnerites", they receive threats from them: "We will shoot you if you do not report our wounded."

“And there were already shot legs. People don’t want to get a bullet in the back from “their own” for something they cannot influence,” writes Morozov.

He also claims that all humanitarian aid that comes to servicemen from the 51st Airborne Regiment is given to the “Wagnerites”. According to the expert, PMC Wagner feels untouchable, earlier the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Mikhail Teplinskiy, wanted to stop it, but he was removed from his post. Then the pro-Russian military correspondents reported that Teplinsky had a conflict with the army commander Valery Gerasimov. According to military correspondent Alexander Sladkov, Teplinskiy refused to use the Airborne Forces as attack aircraft.

The Telegram channel GRAY ZONE, previously associated with PMC Wagner, published another video of the execution of a prisoner with a sledgehammer. It is alleged that the footage shows Dmitry Yakushchenko, a native of Crimea, born in 1978, who was recruited into a PMC from a prison in Crimea and surrendered to Ukrainian captivity 4 days later.

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