An unusual heart-shaped postcard appeared on the Telegram channel of the children's ombudsman of Tatarstan Irina Volynets – instead of a "valentine", she published a "stalintinka" with the image of Stalin and Voroshilov inside the heart. This is a painting by the Soviet artist Alexander Gerasimov, created in 1938, entitled "Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov for a walk in the Kremlin."
The inscription on the "Stalinka" informs that on February 14, 1943, the troops of the Southwestern Front liberated Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk). “Today is a normal holiday, not some kind of Valentine,” Volynets says in the image caption.

She also suggests celebrating Valentine's Day on July 8 – the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia.
“It's great that now we are returning to the roots, the consciousness of our citizens is waking up, we want to celebrate our ancestral holidays, which, of course, is July 8 – the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia. But for more than 30 years, we have been accustomed to Valentine's Day, and we associate it with falling in love, and July 8 with Family Day. Therefore, of course, first of all we need to think about import substitution of meanings. Not with bans and, even more so, not with punishments, as it was proposed in one of the regions of Russia, to punish for the celebration of St. Valentine's Day, it seems to me that this will definitely not lead to anything good. But through the maximum popularization of the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, through competitive events with the participation of the state, we can achieve that we will gradually rebuild and our day on June 8 will become the most important, everyone wants to confess their love to each other, because this is the most important thing in life."
Earlier Volynets urged to replace the judges of the show “Voice. Children" on the singer Shaman. According to her, because of the tattoos, the experience of using drugs and alcohol, painted nails and the general image of the show's mentors – Basta, Yegor Creed and MakSim – they are not worthy to occupy their judicial chairs. According to her, she "does not thirst for blood" and does not intend to seek the initiation of criminal cases against Basta, MakSim and Creed. But he will still send a statement to the prosecutor's office, as he believes that their appointment could be "deliberate sabotage against the psyche of children."