The administration of Vladivostok presented food packages to the wives of the Russian military who died in Ukraine. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the department, but after the news was spread through the media, the publication was deleted. A copy of it has been archived.

Local authorities specified that the presentation of gifts was carried out jointly with the Ratimir company. Its website states that it is "one of the leading Russian meat brands in the Far East." Ratimir's products include sausages, frankfurters, pates, canned food and semi-finished products. Judging by the publications in the VKontakte group, this is not the first time she has cooperated with the Russian authorities. February 18 "Ratimir" took part in the Vladivostok International Ice Marathon. It is organized by the RunDnsRun club, whose owner, Konstantin Bogdanenko, is a former deputy of the Legislative Assembly and the current vice-governor of the Primorsky Territory for the integrated development of the region.
The wives and mothers of Russian soldiers fighting in the war against Ukraine are regularly rewarded with similar gifts. In addition to food packages, they are given towels, medals and cash. Read more in The Insider.