After Vladimir Putin, in his message to the Federal Assembly, was indignant at the spiritual degradation of the West, Dmitry Kiselev, apparently, tried very hard to find examples confirming the thesis of the leader. But it seems that the search did not lead to great success; the result was a story from Vesti Nedeli, titled “Children Next Goal: Kiselyov on the West Going Crazy” on the program’s website, and this is what it says:
“In his message, the President drew attention to another aspect of the confrontation with the West – the cultural one. The Western elites are leading their peoples to a spiritual catastrophe, and they want to drag us along with them. “The destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, abuse of children, up to pedophilia, are declared the norm of their life. And the clergy are forced to bless same-sex marriages. God be with them, let them do what they want. But I want to say to them: excuse me, Holy Scripture, the main books of all other world religions – everything is said there, including that the family is the union of a man and a woman. But even these sacred texts are now being questioned. The Anglican Church, for example, plans to explore the idea of a gender-neutral god. What do you say? Forgive me, Lord, they don't know what they're doing. Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe. The elites, frankly, are just going crazy. And this, it seems, is no longer being treated, ”Vladimir Putin believes.
We sometimes talk about how they “go crazy” in this section of ours. Just for understanding. <…>
Here is the Minister for Equality of Spain, Irene Montero, publicly spoke out in defense of pedophiles. In September, this lady inspiredly declared that children have the right to have sexual relations with whom they want. What is this if not a call for the legalization of pedophilia?! “All boys, girls, children of indeterminate sex in this country have the right to know their body and to know that no adult can touch the body if they do not want to, this is a form of violence. They have the right to know that they can love and have sexual relations with anyone they want on the basis of consent,” Montero said.
That is, if a three-year-old child who does not even know his address, cannot read and write, agrees to “play” with his uncle, then everything is fine, he agreed. Thus he "knows his body."
The example is not particularly fresh, the scandal around the minister's statement arose in Spain back in September last year. And Spanish journalists have long figured out what really happened. The far-right opposition party Vox called for the resignation of a minister who allegedly advocated the legalization of pedophilia and the abolition of the Ministry of Equality itself, based on a quote taken out of context. Montero spoke about the need for sex education in schools:
"This country deserves a reasonable discussion and agreement to guarantee the right of boys and girls to sexual education, which will allow them to live without violence, freely live their sexuality and sensual relationships in the future."
Of course, the ultra-right did not achieve success, but Kiselev creatively approached last year's scandal, tried not to notice not only the context, but also the phrase about relationships in the future, which allowed him to come up with a spectacular example with a three-year-old child. In fact, in Spain the age of consent is exactly the same as in Russia – 16 years.
Here is another example from Kiselyov's plot:
“Based on various evidence, it can be concluded that among the most influential members of society there is at least tolerance for pedophilia. Balenciaga has launched a new ad campaign on social networks, the main theme of which was sex with children. One photo shows a girl lying face down on a sofa with a coffee table next to her, where you can see candles, empty glasses and a dog collar with spikes. In another photo, the same girl is holding a teddy bear dressed in a leather harness and other BDSM paraphernalia.”
Fashion house Balenciaga has indeed launched a risqué ad campaign for an accessory line featuring stylized soft toy handbags with leather straps that evoke sadomasochistic pleasures.
But this ad caused such a scandal that Balenciaga immediately withdrew the ad and apologized :
“We sincerely apologize that our holiday campaign may have caused offense. In our campaign, children were not supposed to appear next to bags of teddy bears. We have immediately removed this campaign from all platforms."
Creative director of the fashion house Demna Gvasalia wrote on Instagram:
“I want to personally apologize for the wrong artistic choice of concept for the campaign with children and take full responsibility.”
As a result, the fashion house had to suffer significant losses. That is, this example does not speak at all about how the degrading West corrupts children's souls, but about how a healthy Western society protects children from corruption.
Kiselev continues:
“I mean the persistent attempts to translate the concept of “pedophilia” from the category of a crime into one of the usual “sexual orientations” within the norm. In the meantime, pedophile lobbyists have made progress in some countries. In the European Union, for example, in Austria, Italy, Portugal, Estonia and Bulgaria, the age of consent is 14 years.”
True, he forgot to add that in Russia in 1998 to 2003 the age of consent was also 14 years old. He ended the story with this passage:
“And for a snack. Here is a musical drama by Richard Strauss at the Riga Opera Salome. In what the mother gave birth – Jokanaan, that is, neither more nor less than John the Baptist. Enjoy. However, as our president said, “let them do whatever they want.”
In fact, there is no performance of "Salome" in the Riga Latvian National Opera and it has not been for a very long time. A fragment, which was shown by Vesti Nedeli, from the performance of the famous German director Christoph Loy, staged in parallel in Helsinki and Tallinn. Apparently, Kiselev got it mixed up in a hurry. Happens.
It’s just that it’s completely incomprehensible what the children have to do with it. Richard Strauss' Salome, based on an Oscar Wilde drama full of violence and overtly perverted erotica, is in any case not intended for children.
But it is clear why Jokanaan is naked: the clothes were torn off the prophet thrown into prison in order to humiliate him. Dressed in a tuxedo, Salome tries to seduce him, but even in a helpless state, he is adamant. This is a strong stage decision, but to appreciate it, you do not have to act like a teenager giggling obscenely at the sight of a naked body.
As for the “gender-neutral god”, for some reason neither Putin nor Kiselyov thought of it: in a monotheistic religion, the only, unique god cannot belong to any gender, since he does not have a couple and cannot be. It is in polytheistic religions that there are gods and goddesses who marry and give birth. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says :
“God is in no way like the image of man. He is neither male nor female. God is a pure Spirit, in whom there is no room for difference between the sexes.
The Anglican Church was only thinking about gender-neutral language, that is, is it appropriate to use the masculine pronoun he when speaking of a genderless god.