In the city of Rezh near Yekaterinburg, they managed to save the cat Senya, who was regularly tormented by the flayer Nikolai Cherepanov and posted videos of bullying on his Wild Trash channel. In the video, the “blogger”, holding the cat by the hind legs, forced him to pump the press, roughly threw him onto the bed and pressed on the torso. According to media reports, he himself wrote in the channel that he was trying to make the cat "stronger, because other cats were chasing him in the yard." And the video, in which the cat's paws are wrapped with tape, he published, "to increase coverage."
In order to pick up the cat, it took at least 50 written appeals and many calls to the local police, a statement from animal rights activists to the prosecutor's office, publicity in social networks and self-organization of Yekaterinburg residents, who announced a gathering of people to search for the flayer and go to his home. The cat could not be taken away for a long time, as its defenders were afraid they themselves would become defendants in the case of kidnapping the animal.
“I got through to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for this area, from the words of a girl who almost screamed:“ They are doing this, we can’t pick up the cat, the cat is fed and watered, he has a veterinary passport !!!! , who published a thread about the need to save the animal.
As a result, the police of the Sverdlovsk region took the cat, reports Life, to whom the information was confirmed by the official representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region, Valery Gorelykh. The cat was taken to the duty unit of the local police department, then he will be handed over to animal rights activists, who will find him an overexposure.
It is not always possible to save an animal in such situations. In the fall of 2021, a resonant incident occurred when a video of bullying the cat Kuzey was published – the poetess and mother of many children Anna Gromovich and her roommate Artem Lavrentyev tortured a 14-year-old animal and filmed the process on video. So they decided to take revenge on Artyom's mother, whose pet was stolen, for frequent conflicts. The cat died a week later. Gromovich and Lavrentiev received three years in prison, at the trial the woman said that she did not feel sorry for the cat.
Kuza was erected a monument in St. Petersburg.