In the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory, a kindergarten is being checked for "LGBT propaganda" after a complaint from a local resident, the Caution News Telegram channel reports . 65-year-old Nikolai G. wrote a statement to the police after he noticed multi-colored gates and benches on the territory of the Zoryanochka kindergarten. They are painted in the colors of the rainbow.
In January 2023, the Raduga theater festival taking place in St. Petersburg changed its name due to the law banning “LGBT propaganda”. The festival has existed under the name "Rainbow" since February 2000.
In December 2022, schoolchildren (grades 8 and 9) from the Moscow Blue Bird school were tested for “LGBT propaganda” after a complaint from the school principal. The school management got a video showing schoolchildren playing truth or dare. One of the boys had the action of kissing the other boy, which he did.
As a result, the parents of the students were called to the school. “They were told that the children had committed a terrible crime – they supposedly ruined their lives and would not go anywhere else.
On December 5, 2022, Vladimir Putin signed into law a complete ban on "propaganda" of non-traditional sexual relations and transgender transition. Earlier, the amendments were unanimously approved by deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council.
The document provides for a ban on "propaganda" of "non-traditional relationships", pedophilia and gender reassignment among people of any age on the Internet, media, books, movies and advertising. According to the law, a system of fines for citizens has been introduced – from 50 thousand to 800 thousand rubles. For legal entities, the fine can reach 10 million rubles. In addition, for "propaganda" LGBT foreigners can now be expelled from the country.