The Mariupol.Sprotiv Telegram channel began to identify people captured on video with Vladimir Putin during his trip to Mariupol. Channel readers identified some of them as locals.
In particular, an elderly man who told Putin that he had lost everything, but now he was given an apartment, was identified as Nikolai Lotkov. It is alleged that next to him in the video are his son Dmitry, daughter-in-law Yekaterina and family friend Alexei Bondarenko. "Mariupol.Sprotiv" claims that Dmitry and Ekaterina Lotkov were engaged in looting during the bombing.
According to official statements from the Kremlin, Putin visited occupied Mariupol on the night of March 19, toured the city and met with local residents. In one of the published videos, Putin, standing in the courtyard of a multi-storey residential building, talks to a group of people who thank him.