Letters from Gorinov convicted of “fake news” are publicly read and discussed in the colony

The letters written in the colony by the former Moscow municipal deputy Alexei Gorinov are publicly read out in the detachment by orderlies and discussed with the participation of other prisoners. As the Telegram channel “Free Alexei Gorinov!” reports , only after that they get to the censor of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

“We consider this action as an element of psychological violence against Alexei, and we have no reasonable doubt that these actions of public reading and discussion of letters are allowed with the knowledge of the prison staff,” the message says.

Gorinov still does not feel well: he has a cough, shortness of breath and weakness. Back in December, he complained that he was sick , but did not receive any medical care.

In July, Gorinov was sentenced to seven years in a penal colony for calling the war in Ukraine a war and not a “special operation” and talking about the deaths of Ukrainian children. Later, the sentence was reduced by one month.

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