The host of the program "Time Will Show" on Channel One, Olesya Loseva, decided to talk about how freedom of speech is violated in the United States, and cited the example of the singer Britney Spears, who allegedly wrote a post on Instagram, pointing out the mistakes of the United States in Ukraine, after which she was subjected to blocking.
“The United States lies and continues to lie. They constantly say "The First Amendment to the Constitution", freedom of speech… Yes, it doesn't work, they cut everyone out. They even cited this Britney Spears as an example, unfortunate, hunted down in her homeland by her dad, parents, and indeed by the whole show business system, who just posted a post, wrote: “Guys, maybe we will think about what is happening in Ukraine , maybe Donbass is not just like that?”, and pointed to the mistakes of the United States of America. Well, somewhere for a few minutes her post hung in one of the social networks, and that was immediately blocked, ” said Loseva.

In fact, the screenshot of Britney Spears' post in support of Donbass is a fake that has spread in some Russian Telegram channels.

“This rose is in the name of communism. I believe that the coverage of the situation in Ukraine in the Western media was intended to fuel the conflict. <…> Why was there not so much attention to the bombing of Yemen? I mean that Ukraine has been bombing Donbass since April 2014 and no one said a word. To hell with NATO!!! says the fake post.
However, as the Vizor Telegram channel drew attention to, the fake was quickly exposed – and by the propagandists themselves. The pro-Kremlin outlet Ridus, which first spread the fake news, published a retraction two days later.
“The information turned out to be fake. The social network did not block the singer's page, she deleted it herself. <…> Spears, presumably, did not write about anything like this, otherwise she would have been subjected to massive judgment in the Western media, ”Reedus notes.
Indeed, not a single English-language media wrote about Spears' post. Show business publications like TMZ and Entertainment Tonight reported that the singer self-deleted her page, as she has done more than once to take a break from social networks.