Previously, people lived 900 years, now they live less because of “original sin” – director of the Institute of Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences with reference to a graph from the Internet

Director of the Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Kudryavtsev said with reference to a certain “graph from the Internet” that people used to live for 900 years, but then life expectancy was reduced due to “original sin”. He made a presentation at the plenary session of the III International Scientific and Theological Conference "God – Man – World" in mid-March, the media paid attention to the record only now.

According to Kudryavtsev, people began to live less after the Flood.

The director of the Institute of Genetics explained all genetic mutations that cause human diseases as "original sin." According to him, both ancestral sin and original and personal sin work. At the same time, children are responsible for the sin of their father with their illnesses up to the seventh generation.

Kudryavtsev also commented on Russia's war against Ukraine, saying that the world wants to take over the resources of the Russian Federation, so the country will defend itself "by military means."

Columnist for Komsomolskaya Pravda, Yevgeny Chernykh, after a meeting with academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, published a material in which he parsed Kudryavtsev's quotes. The correspondent of the propaganda publication decided to explain why "the first people lived so long." He cited an old response from the country's leading gerontologist, an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (without giving his name), who stated that in the Bible "a month was considered a year", and this is a "scientifically proven fact." Another anonymous "respected gerontologist, geneticist, doctor of science" told a journalist that the Bible had been translated into different languages, so there was a "translation error". The original was the expression "lunar month", and the ancient translator used the word "year". If you recalculate, then life expectancy was about 80 years, the scientist assured. At this, Chernykh's propagandist summed up that "the devil has beguiled the ancient translator" and that "it is possible to calmly close the journalistic investigation."

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