In Ingush Malgobek, a representative of the Civil Initiative party and opposition blogger Adam Khamchiev was beaten and kidnapped. According to the Astra Telegram channel, this happened on March 28 in the Rio cafe, which, according to preliminary data, belongs to Khamchiev. The Telegram channel Sapa Kavkaz writes that after beating Khachiev, the attackers fired a pistol into the air several times, and then put him in a car and drove away in an unknown direction. The channel published a video from CCTV cameras, which shows that there were five attackers. It is alleged that they are put on the wanted list.
The pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Mash writes that Khamchiev was beaten for allegedly talking to a married woman. According to him, after the abduction, Khamchiev was dropped off in Karabulak. Now, according to Mash, the blogger is allegedly in the hospital, and the police could not find the car of the attackers. There is no confirmation of this information.
This is not the first kidnapping of Khamchiev. Last year, on January 27, unidentified armed men in military uniform broke into his apartment in Ingushetia and took him away in an unknown direction. After that, the blogger was taken to the FSB, then to the “E” center, and then to the Magas police department, where he was found. According to Magomed Khazbiev, leader of the local branch of the Civil Initiative, Khamchiev was tortured into confessing to possession of a pistol.