“Lukashenko wants to be president for the rest of his life, for which he made a deal with Putin” – Latushko

Alexander Lukashenko, in a message to the people on March 31, stated that, despite all the accusations from the outside, he did not make the Constitution of Belarus “for himself” and is not going to do it in the future, and his century is already “ending”. One of the leaders of the Belarusian opposition, former Minister of Culture Pavel Latushko, told The Insider that Lukashenka actually wants to remain president for the rest of his life, for which he actually made a deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin:

“Lukashenko has only one desire – to rule Belarus for the rest of his life. And he will not implement any scenarios related to the transit of power. I am convinced that a deal has actually been concluded between Putin and Lukashenko: Putin receives a “balcony” in the form of the territory of Belarus, which is surrounded by NATO countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, as well as the future NATO member Ukraine, and in return Lukashenko receives guarantees from Putin that he will rule in Belarus for life. This agreement is based on Lukashenka's agreement to deploy tactical nuclear weapons – and, as Lukashenka said today, it is possible that strategic nuclear weapons – on the territory of Belarus.

Lukashenka always repeats the same thesis that he does not cling to power with blue fingers and that only the people will decide whether they want him to continue to rule. But we know very well that Lukashenka won the elections only once – in 1994. Subsequently, there was not a single vote where the elections were not rigged. The falsification acquired a special scale in 2020, when it was proved by thousands of witnesses and commissions. Lukashenka will continue to falsify elections, he already has vast experience, and he has already begun preparations for the next falsification, which will be in the first stage in the form of combined parliamentary and local elections. It is unacceptable to call it an election in Belarus today, it is simply a mockery of the word “election”.

Lukashenka will be able to stay in power only with the help of complete control over the country, and he will be able to control the country completely only with the powers of the president, which he now holds thanks to the power and violations of the Constitution and laws of the country. He will retain this post to ensure his survival. He clearly understands that leaving office means not only political death for him.”

Earlier, the Dossier Center, together with European and American media, received the document “Strategic goals of the Russian Federation in the Belarusian direction”. It describes the Kremlin's strategy to integrate Belarus into Russia by 2030. According to the document, by 2030 the Kremlin intends to complete the reform of the Constitution of Belarus, taking into account Russian interests, to achieve the supremacy of the Russian language over the Belarusian language and introduce a simplified procedure for issuing Russian passports to Belarusians. The journalists also found out that by the end of 2022, the Presidential Administration of Russia had the task of convincing the leadership of Belarus of the need to work on the Union State, formally created back in 2000.

In December 2021, a draft amendment to the Constitution of Belarus was published on the Belarusian National Legal Internet Portal. The document, which Lukashenka, according to him, wrote himself, spelled out changes in the structure of power, and the Russian language was named the state language, the BBC Russian Service noted .

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