Moscow ranked sixth on the list of cities with the most billionaires, up one spot from last year.

Moscow was ranked sixth on the Forbes magazine's list of cities with the largest number of billionaires. As of 2023, 61 billionaires live in the Russian capital, their total fortune is estimated at $307.1 billion.

Last year, Moscow ranked seventh on the Forbes list. During the year, the number of billionaires living in the city increased by eight people. The magazine calls the head of Interros, Vladimir Potanin, the richest resident of Moscow, with a fortune of $ 23.7 billion. In December, he fell under US sanctions along with his holding and Rosbank, bought from Societe Generale.

The first place in the Forbes list for 2023 is occupied, as a year earlier, by New York. This is followed by Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, London, Moscow, Mumbai, Shenzhen, Singapore, as well as Delhi and San Francisco, who shared 10th place.

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