The Russian Ministry of Defense continues to publish new revelations of the "US military biological program" in Ukraine and other countries of the world. This time, the attention of the Russian military was drawn to the role of Washington in the alleged development of COVID-19.

First, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in an unknown way got a “closed report from Pfizer”, which allegedly states an increased risk of “serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system after vaccination.” MO provides the following quote:
“There is evidence to suggest that patients receiving the COVID-19 vaccine are at an increased risk of developing myocarditis. Since April 2021, Moderna has reported an increase in cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in the United States following vaccination with mRNA vaccines, especially in male adolescents and young adults over 16 years of age. Pathological changes usually occurred within a few days after vaccination, and more often occurred after receiving the second dose … "
At the same time, the Russian military blames Pfizer for the side effects. In this case, it is not very clear why the report mentions a different vaccine from another company. Even if Pfizer did have such a report, it is not clear why they should not have released their own vaccine.
In addition, it is not very clear why the Russian Defense Ministry accuses exclusively American pharmaceutical companies of trying to cash in on people's health. They seem to have forgotten that Germany's BioNTech and China's Fosun Pharma were also involved in Pfizer's vaccine development.
Secondly, the Ministry of Defense was perplexed by the variability of COVID-19 and the emergence of new strains:
“I draw your attention to the fact that experts still have a number of questions related to, to put it mildly, the variability and geographical origin of COVID-19 variants, which are strange for most viruses. For example, the beta strain first appeared in South Africa and was identified in the UK in December 2020; strain "gamma" – in Brazil in January 2021, "delta" – in India in June 2021. At the same time, each new version had improved properties in terms of their military-biological application, causing more and more economic damage.
Despite the extremely strict anti-COVID measures, the appearance in 2022 of the sub-variants of the omicron strain BA-5.2 and BF-7 caused an avalanche-like increase in cases in China. It seems that someone is taking targeted actions to "strengthen" the pathogenic properties of the virus, and the pandemic is artificially fueled by "stuffing" new "improved" variants. So far, these questions remain unanswered."
However, this phenomenon should be understandable not only to the military who studies biological threats, but also to any schoolchild who knows about Charles Darwin and natural selection. An explanation can be found on the websites of the same Russian news agencies that replicate the statements of the Ministry of Defense. Here, for example, is an excerpt from the book Living and Inanimate by Karl Zimmer, published on TASS. The science":
“Viruses mutate like more familiar life forms. Moreover, they mutate much faster than humans, plants, and even bacteria. Our cells contain a molecular staff of proofreaders that proofread new DNA sequences and return most of the errors for correction. The lion's share of viruses do not know how to correct errors. SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses differ in that they have a gene for a primitive proofreader protein. But, although their mutation rate is not as high as other viruses, they still accumulate mutations thousands of times faster than we do.
Sometimes these new mutations give a certain virus a competitive advantage over others. They can speed up its reproduction. They can make the mutated virus invisible to the immune system's radar. Such viruses will be favored by natural selection.”