The State Duma adopted a bill banning the sale of vapes to minors

The State Duma adopted a bill banning the sale of vapes to minors immediately in the second and third readings. This is stated on the website of the lower house.

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said that this is a matter of “the health of our children,” since vape liquids contain heavy metals and chemicals, the ingestion of which increases the risk of developing malignant neoplasms.

After the law enters into force (approved by the Federation Council and signed by the president), retail sales of “devices for the consumption of nicotine-containing products” and their components at fairs and exhibitions, remotely and through vending machines, as well as “through delivery and peddling trade” will be prohibited. The deputies also decided to ban the production and circulation of nicotine-containing products with flavorings and additives in order to reduce the "attractiveness of products for minors." In addition, the open layout and demonstration of such devices in stores will be prohibited by law.

The law also proposes to limit ads with images, descriptions, or occasional mentions of devices and prohibit them from being shown to children under 12 years of age.

In January, Rospotrebnadzor supported the idea of ​​State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin to legally ban vapes in Russia and called this idea aimed at “preserving the health of the population.” As Dmitry Yanin, chairman of the board of the Confederation of Consumers, told The Insider, both in Russia and in other countries there really is a problem with vapes, as children are starting to use them. However, vapes help adults quit smoking, in countries where science is developed, they are prescribed to those who want to give up cigarettes. According to him, the authorities need to discuss initiatives that will stop the activities of outlets selling vapes to children, and not ban them for all citizens.

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