In Belgorod, a fire broke out at an electrical substation. The video of the incident was posted on the Mash Telegram channel. According to him, a drone strike could have caused the fire. Baza and Shot write about the same version.
According to the latter, on the night of April 17, two drones belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine dropped two improvised explosive devices at the TPP. An hour later, the fire was contained, no one was hurt. Baza, citing local residents, writes that shortly before the fire, an explosion occurred in the area of the TPP. Social media also reported about the power outage.
The governor of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, confirmed that "two fires were recorded at civilian facilities" in Belgorod. He does not specify what kind of objects he is talking about, and does not say about the circumstances under which the fire occurred.
In mid-March, two missiles were shot down over Belgorod. Then Gladkov said that over the past four days, a total of 58 houses and 31 cars had been damaged.