The MUZ-TV channel blurred the singer Elena Temnikova on the footage in the documentary “Golden Cage for Artists! The history of the show " Star Factory " . Commentators drew attention to this under a video posted on the YouTube channel of MUZ-TV.

In February 2022, Temnikova condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. “I and all my friends are categorically against war and attack. My friends live in Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov. And I am hurt, bitter and very ashamed of what is happening now, ”the singer wrote on Instagram. She later deleted this post, but its text was preserved in Russian media reports.
In August, the host of the Youtube show "Alena, damn it!" Alena Zhigalova said that Temnikova and her family moved to Portugal.
Elena Temnikova participated in the show "Star Factory – 2" in 2003 and took third place. After that, she became the lead singer of the Serebro group, and in 2014 she began her solo career.
Earlier in April, it becameknown that the 2022 series “Half an hour before spring”, dedicated to the history of the Belarusian ensemble “Pesnyary”, was censored in Belarus. Actor Dmitry Yesenevich, who played the drummer Alexander Demeshko, was cut out of some of the scenes, and his face was blurred in the remaining general plans. Esenevich's name was also removed from the credits.
Dmitry Yesenevich was one of dozens of employees of the Kupala Theater who left it in August 2020 in solidarity with the dismissed director Pavel Latushko.