The Alexandrinsky Theater canceled the April and May performances of Cyrano de Bergerac based on a 19th-century French play. This is stated in the message on the website of the theater. Instead of "Cyrano de Bergerac" these days they will show "The Crow" and "The Marriage". The last performance was shown at the Alexandrinsky Theater on March 12.

On April 12, the publication "78" reported that one of the spectators wrote a denunciation of the chief director of the theater Nikolai Roshchin, seeing the "discredit" of the Russian army in the production. As the actors of the theater later said, the police carried out an inspection and found no violations. The press service of the Alexandrinsky Theater "Rotonde" reported that the transfer was caused by technical problems with the props.
The play "Cyrano de Bergerac" was written by the French playwright Edmond Rostand in 1898. The performance at the Alexandrinsky Theater was awarded the Golden Mask theatrical award.
Earlier, performances with Danila Kozlovsky, who was demanded to be checked for “discrediting” the Russian army, were postponed at the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg.