Navalny was sent to the ShIZO immediately after serving 15 days in the same ShIZO

Alexei Navalny was once again (fourteenth) time put in a punishment cell (SHIZO), but this time he was sent there immediately after spending 15 days in the same cell.

“For me, the iron rule of prisons, which was sacredly observed both in the USSR and in Russia, was canceled: after “fifteen” in the ShIZO, a convict must be “raised” to the zone for at least a day before giving another “fifteen”. Broke the system. True, in the wrong direction, ”Navalny said .

A day earlier, Navalny said that he was not allowed to eat food he bought himself in the dining room of the colony:

“It looks like this. The door opens. There is a cop with a package: “Navalny, get the purchased products. So, boiled eggs, sign. We throw them away, they expire. Look, you still have potatoes and rice. We recycle. Tomorrow will be spoiled. OU! Is that your bun? Did you buy it for a holiday? You live splendidly. Sign here for getting a bun, and here for destroying it. Perishable product!”

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