In Moscow, police officers came to the home of Anastasia Chernysheva, who bakes cakes at home, some with anti-war slogans, and posts photos of them on Instagram. A protocol was drawn up against her on "discrediting" the army, OVD-Info reports .
Yulia Evdokimova, a defender from OVD-Info, said that the police came on April 27. After the law enforcement officers brought the confectioner to the department and drew up a protocol (part 1 of article 20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), she was released.
Chernysheva bakes cakes, sends part of the money from sales to charity and openly opposes the war on social networks.
In the Russian Federation, during the war in Ukraine, dozens of cases were opened on the “discrediting” of the army, some defendants received real terms under the article on “repeated discrediting”. Some cases are initiated after Russians inform the police about neighbors, acquaintances, teachers and their relatives. After new articles appeared, fines were reported for "discrediting" the army or "fake" about it for talking on the streets, in cafes, sanatoriums, for posts in social networks and for wearing clothes or accessories in yellow and blue colors, as well as for children's drawings and wallpapers on smartphone.
For some Russians, denunciations have become ways to deal with offenders: in March, a man called the police and said that “Ukrainian saboteurs” were in a certain car. It turned out that the driver of the wanted car cut off the man on the road and with the help of a denunciation, he decided to take revenge.