A video of a night attack by drones on an oil depot in the village of Volna, Krasnodar Territory, was published; on the afternoon of May 3, one of the tanks with oil products continued to burn, according to the Shot Telegram channel. However, the Telegram channel "112" at 15:00 Moscow time claimed that the fire had already been extinguished.
According to Shot's source, the attack was carried out by two UAVs, one was shot down in the air by an air defense system, and the second drone fell on the tank.
The fire spread over 1200 square meters.
On May 3, the Kremlin press service stated that at night Ukrainian UAVs tried to attack the Kremlin residence of Vladimir Putin, pro-Kremlin Telegram channels massively published videos from different angles. Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine Serhiy Nikiforov denies information about the attempted attack: he clarified that the goal of Ukraine is the liberation of the occupied territories, and not Moscow. Also on May 3, pro-Russian Telegram channels reported that UAVs attacked an airfield in the village of Sescha in the Bryansk region, but there was no official information about the attack from the Russian authorities.