Accountant Islam Mambetov from the village of Zalukokoazhe, Zolsky district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, was detained on suspicion of repeated “discrediting” of the Russian army (part 1 of article 280.3 of the Criminal Code). This is reported by the pro-Kremlin Telegram channel SHOT. According to him, Mambetov is being persecuted for his posts in which he supported Ukraine. In addition, the accountant “reposted Laima Vaikule’s anti-Russian statements,” writes SHOT. In one of his publications, Mammadov called Russia a "bastard state." A criminal case has been opened against him, writes "7×7".
“Now, before our eyes, I want to believe, the centennial bastard state is collapsing. More precisely, the collapse of the empire of evil and lies, the empire of the Chekists and communists, who seized and appropriated power over a great country, ”Mambetov wrote.
In March 2023, Mambetov was already fined under the article on “discrediting” the army (part 1 of article 20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), also because of his publications. According to SHOT, then the man was fined 30 thousand rubles. Under the article on repeated “discrediting”, he can be fined up to three hundred thousand rubles, or forced labor for up to three years, or up to six months of arrest. Under the same article, Mambetov is also threatened with a real term – up to five years in prison.