On May 13, videos with powerful “almost nuclear” explosions over the Ukrainian city of Khmelnytsky began to circulate on Telegram channels. Later, Russian "military correspondents" reported that the Russian Armed Forces attacked the 649th aviation depot of missile weapons and ammunition near the village of Gruzevytsia, Khmelnitsky region.
Z-channel administrators were quick to announce the destruction of "a huge amount of ammunition and explosives", as well as "heavy losses" among the Ukrainian military personnel who were allegedly at the facility.
The information that the explosions took place in the direction of Gruzevica from Khmelnytsky is partially confirmed by The Insider's geolocation. The incident at a military facility near this settlement “as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation” is also reported in local accounts in the Ukrainian segment of Facebook.
At the same time, in the video , filmed in this military unit in 2010, you can see that it was stored mainly large Soviet-made bombs. Their detonation most likely led to powerful explosions that could be observed by the inhabitants of Khmelnytsky in the morning. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to use such bombs on the battlefield of Ukrainian aviation, since in order to drop them, the aircraft must fly over enemy positions, being in the Russian air defense strike zone.
It is worth noting that on May 1, the Russian side attacked warehouses of solid rocket fuel for intercontinental ballistic missiles in the Pavlograd region, which was to be disposed of. As a result, locals could observe no less spectacular explosions. Since both sites were unlikely to contain counter-offensive weapons, these two cases suggest that Russian forces are launching such strikes in order to create an impressive picture that can be presented to the command and Russian television viewers.