Scientists at Magellan Ltd. Together with the British television production Atlantic Productions, they created the first full-size scan of the Titanic. Parks Stephenson, who studies the iconic ship, said it was "one of the first major steps towards making the Titanic story scientifically sound, not speculative."

Magellan Ltd. – a company that produces deep-sea maps. On the scan compiled by her, the Titanic is visible in full. It is divided into two parts – bow and stern, approximately 800 meters between them. The ship broke apart while sinking, and the stern crashed into the seabed. Stephenson believes that the scan will help to understand the mechanics of this fall. Around the two parts of the Titanic lies a large amount of debris.
In addition to the wreckage, on the scan you can see various objects also scattered around the Titanic: decorative metal structures, statues, closed bottles of champagne, shoes and more.
The Titanic was the largest ship in world history at the beginning of the 20th century. This is a British transatlantic passenger steamer, the second Olympic-class liner of the White Star Line. It crashed on its first voyage, colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic. This happened on the night of April 14-15, 1912. According to various estimates, then died from 1490 to 1635 people.