In Moscow, a married couple was detained, who are suspected of launching balloons with a white and blue flag, according to the pro-Kremlin Telegram channel SHOT. A video with a flag soaring in the sky spread on social networks on the eve of May 22.
Reportedly, a citizen of Belarus and his wife arrived at the pond in Severnoye Chertanovo in a Toyota Camry car with balloons in the trunk. The man launched them into the sky, and his wife filmed what was happening on the phone.
After the start of the war in Ukraine, part of the Russian opposition began to take to the streets with a blue and white flag instead of the traditional Russian one. A similar flag is also used by the Legion of Freedom of Russia, a unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, consisting, allegedly, of Russian volunteers.
The video with the white-and-blue flag appeared on the same day when the fighters of the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Legion of Freedom of Russia attacked the Belgorod region. Information about the attack was confirmed by both Ukrainian and Russian authorities.