34-year-old Muscovite Ella I., who was flying to Vladikavkaz on a Pobeda airline flight, was detained because she was reading a book in Ukrainian on the flight. This is reported by the Telegram channel "Caution, news".
According to the channel, other passengers on the plane thought that Ella was behaving strangely: she often asks flight attendants for water, uses the restroom too regularly, and also reads a book in Ukrainian. Flight attendants reported her to the head of the airport, and he – to the police.
The policemen met Ella at the landing ramp of the plane. She was taken to the police station, where they found Ukrainian badges and stickers on her jacket, backpack and phone. The girl may face punishment for discrediting the RF Armed Forces.
In the spring of this year, security forces in Moscow detained a man on the basis of a denunciation by passengers who allegedly saw Ukrainian symbols in his phone. The court decision stated that three passengers had written denunciations against him at once. One of them said that he saw a "swastika" on the man's phone, which he allegedly demonstrated for "one minute."