The Russian Volunteer Corps announced on its Telegram channel a new raid on Russian territory. “The outskirts of Shebekino will appear very soon,” says one of the armed men captured in the video published on the morning of June 1. He also advises residents to stay in their homes. The Legion of Freedom of Russia also announced its participation in the operation.
Baza reports that a sabotage group on tanks attacked the Shebekino automobile checkpoint and entered into battle with Russian border guards and military personnel of the Ministry of Defense. According to eyewitnesses, it is known that the road towards Shebekino is blocked at Maslova Pristan. According to preliminary data, the attack was repelled.
The governor of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, writes that at night Shebekino was fired from "Grads", eight people were injured. He denies the penetration of saboteurs into the territory of the region. “There was and is no enemy on the territory of the Belgorod region,” wrote Gladkov.
The governor specified that today 200 people, women and children, should leave Shebekino for Penza. On Saturday another 600 people will be taken to Kaluga and Yaroslavl. Gladkov announced the beginning of the evacuation of children from the border areas the day before.