The ex-coordinator of Navalny's headquarters in Krasnodar, the coordinator of the Protest Kuzbass movement, and the editor-in-chief of Skat Media, Lev Gyammer, receive threatening messages on behalf of his late mother. According to Gyammer, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kuzbass “has fun” in this way, he writes about this on Twitter.
Lev Gyammer's mother, activist Olga Gyammer, died after being run over by a train on July 28, 2019. After that, messages began to be sent to her son on her behalf. In some, he is threatened, in some, “Olga Gyammer” calls her son “to visit”. Another message came at the beginning of June, in which the sender suggested “come on June 28” – the day the activist died.

Lev Gammer already wrote about such messages in October 2022. At first, some people wrote to his friends that "Lev Gammer's mother was in trouble," and also that he would soon be deported from Georgia. Then accounts with the name of his mother and her photo on the avatar began to write directly to him – threats, insults and invitations to return to Kuzbass. Some reports explain that the threats are due to "selling the homeland for cookies", as well as critical publications. Gyammer believes that the Kuzbass authorities or the police do not like the publications of his publication Skat Media.

The activist himself says that despite all the appeals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he does not plan to return to Kuzbass.
“Why am I sure that this is the work of assholes from my small homeland? It's simple: a special context for messages on topics in which Novokuznetsk garbage is rummaging around. [I don't know] where the reports go next and what they want to achieve, but it just gets boring. (…) Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kuzbass, I notify: 1) No, I do not intend to cross the border of the Russian Federation, do not hope; 2) Your mind games do not work, rather get bored; 3) Olga Berngardovna Gammer died on July 28, 2019 in Kaltan as a result of an accident. On July 29, the public was informed about this.”