For some reason, Vesti Nedeli became very interested in the episode when President Biden, while participating in the graduation ceremony at the Air Force Academy, stumbled and fell. An entire story was dedicated to this by the American correspondent of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Denis Davydov, who frankly relished the details:
“The president is in manual control. He is “launched” on command and at every step he is told where to go and what to do. Now he already wants to sit down, but he still needs to stand. This was the graduation ceremony for cadets of the Air Force Academy. The pilots have the president and flew. Strung out over a sandbag that held equipment on stage. Photographers were able to capture Biden from such an angle that one could see the soles of his boots. And he seems to have them with special rubberized pads so that they do not slip, but the insurance did not work. The case is hard."
Further, Vesti Nedeli showed speeches by Biden's critics on the Fox News channel for a long time (what else could be expected from an openly pro-Republican channel?), Recalled the recent increase in the national debt ceiling, and Davydov ended his story with the following passage:
"Meanwhile, the birth rate in the United States, like the economy of the country, like its president, is falling."
This idea seemed so important to the editors that on the program’s website it was even placed in the headline of the story: “The economy and the birth rate fell along with Biden.”

Let's leave alone the question of how anti-slip rubber soles can help a person when he simply stumbles. Let's take a closer look at the economic and demographic statistics. According to the Macrotrends portal, the birth rate in the United States has been constantly declining since the middle of the 20th century, but just in recent years there has been a turning point and it began to slowly grow .

In 2020, it was 11.99 births per thousand population, in 2021 – 12.001, in 2022 – 12.012, and at the moment – 12.023, that is, every year it gives an increase of 0.9%.
With the “fall of the economy” there was an embarrassment at all. US GDP under Biden is growing faster than at any time in the 21st century.

The main stock indices – Dow Jones, S&P 500, NASDAQ – as usual, experience short-term ups and downs, but all this happens at a level well above the pre-pandemic maximum.

So with the assessment of the American economy, Vesti Nedeli missed the mark a little.