Well, what was that?!
From the highest lips sounded a comparison with 1917. The highest lips flattered themselves. Russia in 2023 is completely devoid of what it had in 1917. In 1917, it had a parliament, albeit a young, inexperienced one, living, non-cardboard parties and, despite the World War, a rich political life and bright diverse personalities.
In that Russia there was one of the most perfect independent jury trials in Europe. And elections, for the freedom of which there was a constant struggle. That is, healthy institutions worked in that country, which now do not exist at all.
In that Russia there was one of the most advanced independent jury trials in Europe.
In that country, the tsar did not keep up with an active political life, persisted in his mothballed autocracy to such an extent that the military became involved in politics. It was an exceptional case for Russia.
The army did not participate in politics for almost a century after the Decembrist uprising. Moreover, the Russian officers in their mass did not understand anything about politics, had no idea about possible alternative options for the state structure, that is, they were helpless in a situation of political turbulence.
Against this background, it is even surprising that people in uniform with non-monarchist views suddenly came to the forefront of politics. General Kornilov, who now began to be remembered in vain, did not want the return of the monarchy, but was a supporter of the convocation of the Constituent Assembly, which would determine the form of the country's state structure. Even after the outbreak of the Civil War, both he, General Kornilov, and General Denikin would persist in their idea of the so-called indeterminacy: if we win the war, and then there will be free elections to the Constituent Assembly and it will decide everything. So Prigogine is never Kornilov.
And Putin in vain remembered 1917. Today's Russia was emasculated by him and did not even notice it herself. And Prigozhin, with his march that did not reach anywhere, is a product of this Russia.
Although, in a sense, the Kremlin panic that lasted a day is understandable. Easily and naturally, without resistance, the million-plus city of Rostov-on-Don was taken or, better, surrendered. Then Voronezh. The entire Russian South could easily have been on fire. 25,000 evil, armed, trained, combat-experienced people who obey one frostbitten and popular man are heading for the capital. And the man himself, to whom they obey, until recently, his St. Petersburg bandit, now some kind of Napoleon!
25 thousand evil, armed, trained, with combat experience of people who obey one frostbitten and popular person, a rod to the capital
We must pay tribute to Prigozhin, he is a man with a fantasy, even, probably, with taste, and he may have read more books than you might think, based on his biography. After all, for sure, when thinking about a trip to Moscow, he saw a cocked hat.
Of course, in reality, he would have drawn on Napoleon only if he had incited Sobyanin to burn down Moscow. Well, just close your eyes and imagine Prigogine's bronze bust on a desk. However, the impossible is not enough for us, Russia is a country of opportunities.
But God be with him, with Napoleon. We had Pugachev. I did not speak French, but the uncle was also serious, he bled a lot. And in terms of the archaic nature of the action, Prigogine's campaign just looked like Pugachevism.
But historical parallels would be worth looking for if Prigozhin continued on his way to the end. And it seemed that he could, that he was playing for high stakes, even if it would be a nightmare. But he did not embark on a full-fledged military mutiny, which, if successful, would have made him the dictator of Russia. And he would bathe in people's love and blood. It would not be long, although it would definitely be remembered. But this rate turned out to be too big for Prigogine.
Just as the registry office clerk spoke at a critical moment in Kise Vorobyaninov, Putin’s cook spoke in Yevgeny Prigogine at a historic moment.
In Yevgeny Prigozhin, Putin's chef spoke at a historic moment
As for the people who were led by Prigozhin, they, in fact, did not care where they went – they are mercenaries. True, in Moscow and its environs they could have fun and take their souls away. And the estates would blaze in the best Russian traditions, and they would receive popular support in this matter.
This time it didn't happen. That is, the "Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless" did not begin. This is one outcome. It appears to be temporary and easily reversible.
The second result is that a strange denouement occurred somehow apart from Putin, who in this situation is not and does not even look like a winner. It would seem that the spirit of the current Russian time should have demanded a denouement in the style of Ekaterina-Pugachev, bright publicity with a cage for a rebel adversary. Nikita Mikhalkov could shake the old days and direct this action, dear.
But none of this happened. There is a shameful fuss: a criminal case against Prigozhin was urgently opened, then it was urgently closed. At the same time, they did not give a damn about the dead crews of the helicopters and the plane shot down by Prigozhin's people. There is a feeling that Prigozhin will be killed. And, on the sly. This is the style of the current government.