Near St. Petersburg, a man walking with a dog found a package with a severed human head

A resident of the city of Sertolovo (Leningrad region) on a walk with a dog found a bag with human remains. Shot reports .

As the channel notes, the dog led the owner to the smoldering package, and he tried to put it out so that the fire would not go to the grass. Here is how Shot further describes:

“At this time, a terrible thing happened – a burnt head rolled right under his feet. The package also contained other parts of the dismembered body. They were sent for examination. The identity of the deceased is being investigated."

The media regularly receives news about high-profile criminal cases of deaths with dismemberment of bodies in St. Petersburg. One of them was the case of the historian Sokolov and his graduate student Anastasia Yeshchenko. Sokolov killed the girl from a small-caliber sawn-off shotgun, then dismembered her body and partially drowned it in the Moika.

Another high-profile case was the murder of Alexander Zemchenkov, the former chief nephrologist of St. Petersburg, of his wife. According to investigators, he dismembered her body and threw the parts into garbage containers.

The media also wrote about the widow of St. Petersburg rapper Andy Cartwright, Marina Kohal. She stated that her husband died of a drug overdose and she decided to dismember his body so that he "does not remain in people's memory as a drug addict."

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