RIA Novosti , Rossiyskaya Gazeta and other pro-Kremlin outlets have released news with intriguing headlines "Former CIA Agent Exposes Dangerous US Lies About Russia."
In the notes, they recounted the opinion of former CIA agent Philip Giraldi, who said that the United States is trying to convince the world of Russia's weakness, but by doing so they allegedly demonstrate their own vulnerability.
“They want us to believe because they basically want the conflict to go on forever until Russia is weakened enough to suit them. But, of course, this, firstly, will not happen, and secondly, it simply destroys our own economy, and the whole world is watching, ”RIA Novosti quotes.

Firstly, the reasoning of the ex-CIA agent is not particularly logical. If Russia's war with Ukraine is "destroying the US economy," then why does Washington want the conflict to go on forever?
Secondly, of course, the author of the article deserves our attention. Giraldi was indeed once a CIA intelligence officer and fought against terrorism. But that was in the 70s and 80s of the last century, since 1992 he has been working as a security consultant for private firms, and also gives numerous interviews. His favorite topic is "the all-powerful Israeli lobby". The ex-CIA agent is an ardent anti-Semite: for example, in 2017 he published an article entitled "American Jews are fighting American wars," where he blamed Jews for US wars in the Middle East, and also blamed them for the alleged impending war with Iran. There was, in particular, the following passage:
Those American Jews who do not have the slightest sign of honesty, the media should be required to label at the bottom of the television screen whenever they appear, for example, Bill Kristol – "a Jew and an outspoken supporter of the State of Israel." It would be something like a warning label on a bottle of rat poison, which roughly translates to "swallow even the smallest dose of nonsense spewed by Bill Kristol at your own risk."
Since 2010, Giraldi has been the executive director of the National Interest Council , a non-profit political group that advocates for an end to US aid to Israel. He is also the national security editor of the anti-Semitic website The Unz Review (where he published his controversial article).
In addition, Giraldi is a prominent conspiracy theorist: for example, he blames the Jews for the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, and also claims that the chemical attacks in Syria were organized by Washington in order to frame Bashar al-Assad. He denies the Holocaust and claims that the US and Israel created COVID-19 as a "biological weapon" against Iran. The ex-CIA agent wrote such articles, among other things, for the Strategic Culture Foundation, an organization that, according to the New York Times and the US State Department , is controlled by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service and is part of an entire “international ecosystem of disinformation.” The Strategic Culture Foundation is under sanctions from the European Union, the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Japan, Switzerland and Australia for justifying Russia's war against Ukraine.
The Insider and Present Time publish a joint project dedicated to "Fake Experts" on Russian television.First release on Youtube channel The Insider