FSB detained a Russian who “tried to persuade an officer to go over to the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” in the war in Ukraine

The Federal Security Service detained a Russian in Tyumen who “tried to persuade an officer of one of the units to go over to the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, arriving at the war in Ukraine. This was reported by the FSB, RIA Novosti reports . The RIA note says that the detainee was in the “special operation zone”.

According to the service, the detainee guaranteed the organization of communication between the Russian military and representatives of Ukrainian intelligence. A case of “treason” was opened against him ( Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The day before, on July 3, the FSB reported that it had stopped "an assassination attempt on the head of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov," organized by the Ukrainian special services. A citizen of Russia, born in 1988, was detained, who, according to the FSB, was recruited by the SBU and took a "training course in intelligence and subversive activities" on the territory of Ukraine. The message of the service states that the Russian arrived in Crimea in June and began preparing to commit a terrorist attack. He wanted to blow up Aksyonov's car, but was detained while seizing an explosive device from a hiding place, the FSB notes. Against the Russian (his name is not disclosed) criminal cases were initiated under Part 1 of Art. 30, part 1, art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Attempt to commit a terrorist act”) and Part 1 of Art. 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation, transfer or carrying of explosives or explosive devices”). He was taken into custody. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Putin knows about the prevention of an assassination attempt on the head of Crimea. “Aksenov is a real fighter. And, of course, you can’t intimidate him like that, ”Peskov commented on the failed assassination attempt.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the authorities of the Russian Federation have repeatedly suspected their citizens of “treason” or “espionage” in favor of Ukraine, as well as preparations for “terrorist attacks”. All such cases are reported by state agencies, and the FSB publishes videos of “detentions”. The data of the Russians who are suspected under the article on “treason” are not disclosed, and the cases and courts are classified. The names of the accused are often identified by journalists through relatives or acquaintances of these detainees. So, in April, FSB investigators charged with "treason" in favor of foreign countries, Russian citizen Dmitry Kicha, who served as deputy head of the testing laboratory of the capital's arms factory "Promtekhnologiya". The plant produces hunting and sporting rifles under the ORSIS brand. Also in April, the FSB detained a married couple in Nizhny Tagil for “espionage in the interests of Ukraine” at a military-industrial complex enterprise. They allegedly handed over secret information (drawings) to the special services of Ukraine for 100,000 rubles. Before that, in March, a resident of Khabarovsk was accused of financing the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a case of "treason" was initiated. In March, the FSB detained on suspicion of “treason” a resident of Moscow, who allegedly transferred money to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This was the first known case when a case under Art. 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“treason”).

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