At the border, the Belarusians who come to their homeland are taken away the “Pole’s card”. This is a document that makes it easier for foreigners to stay in Poland

Belarusian border guards are forcing Belarusians coming to the country to refuse the “Pole's card” – a document that the Polish authorities issue to certain groups of foreigners. According to the Viasna human rights organization, there are cases when, when crossing the border, citizens are sent for a “conversation” with KGB officers who demand that they “voluntarily” give up the “Pole’s card” and write a corresponding statement to the Polish consul right at the border.

In case of disagreement, a person can be held for several days. Viasna is aware of at least 10 such cases.

The Pole's Card simplifies obtaining a national visa for Poland, allows you to work legally in the country, conduct business activities on the same conditions as Polish citizens.

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