Man who was pushed by Ponasenkov’s friend in central Moscow a month ago dies in hospital

A man who was pushed a month ago by Yevgeny Ponasenkov's friend Ramis Zaripov while walking in the center of Moscow has died in a hospital. This is reported by the Telegram channels Baza, "112" and Shot , which have sources in law enforcement agencies.

Ponasenkov claimed in early June that he and his friend had been molested by a "drunk". At some point, Zaripov pushed the man, who hit his head on the asphalt – this moment was caught on video. Later it turned out that the passer-by, who was pushed by Zaripov, was the 55-year-old general director of the law firm Oleg Dibrov. He was diagnosed with an open penetrating craniocerebral injury, severe contusion and swelling of the brain, fractures of the bones of the vault and base of the skull. Dibrov was in the hospital for more than a month, the doctors tried to stabilize his condition, but he died without regaining consciousness.

A case was opened against Zaripov for causing grievous bodily harm through negligence, but the case will be reclassified due to the death of the victim.

On June 21, the Telegram channel Shot reported that Oleg Dibrov, who was pushed by Ponasenkov's friend, underwent a craniotomy, he was fed through a tube. Relatives of the victim claimed that neither Ponasenkov nor Zaripov had so far contacted them, apologized or offered help.

“Who dares to do meanness and nasty things to me will either end up in prison (like, for example, Sokolov), or in a hospital (like this rotten drunk). So bad primates have a choice, ”Ponasenkov said then.

The incident happened on June 6th. Baza initially claimed that Ponasenkov was detained in Moscow after the fight. At the same time, it was noted that Zaripov pushed a passerby away, the man fell and hit his head hard, as a result, he was hospitalized, placed in intensive care with a diagnosis of intracranial hematoma. According to Ponasenkov himself in a conversation with The Insider, there was no fight, he and passers-by were molested by a man in a state of intoxication. According to the publicist, the man did not let pass, and his friend pushed him away. Ponasenkov specified that they called the police themselves.

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