The State Duma passed a law that will allow the killing of stray animals

The deputies of the State Duma adopted in the final reading a law granting the right to the regions themselves to choose the way to deal with stray animals. Previously, all methods were prescribed in federal law, which prohibited the killing of animals. Now this ban is no longer in effect, as the law is being amended – the final decision on the methods of handling street animals will be made at the level of the subject.

The order of work with animals without owners will now be established by the regional authorities, as well as determine the list of control measures. Now, when trapping animals, the provisions of the federal law “On Responsible Treatment of Animals” may not apply, which says that it is prohibited “to use substances, medicines, methods, technical devices that lead to injury, injury or death of animals.”

The new law, passed on July 12, introduces a phrase into the main federal law that actually gives regional authorities more powers in this area than federal officials have. According to the text of the amendments, animals are allowed to be handled in accordance with the guidelines of the government of the Russian Federation, "unless otherwise provided by legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation." That is, by doing so, the deputies allowed the regions to act at their discretion and ignore the federal law prohibition on killing and injuring animals.

301 deputies voted for the adoption of the law, 31 – against, seven abstained. At the same time, the first deputy chairman of the head of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Vladimir Burmatov, said from the rostrum that the adopted amendments to the law “on the treatment of animals” do not imply their euthanasia. The word "euthanasia" is not really in the amendments. As well as a ban on any practice of killing animals.

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