In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Arkady Maksimov, a deputy of the Legostaevsky Village Council, was fined for commenting on a social network. He wrote “Here is the main hint that the Nazi symbolism V on the sleeve was adopted by our idiots for a special operation in Ukraine.” The Telegram channel “NeMoscow is speaking” drew attention to the materials of the case. The protocol of the court session is published on the website of the Novoselovsky District Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The decision on a fine of 30,000 rubles was made by the court based on the data of a linguistic examination, which was carried out by a teacher of Russian language and literature. It says that she "repeatedly took refresher courses, including in the field of linguistics."
“It has been established that the comment “Here is the main hint that the Nazi symbols of V on the sleeve were adopted by our idiots for a special operation in Ukraine” contains linguistic signs of discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine in terms of comparing the symbols “V” with the symbol of Nazi Germany (German symbols). Given the public nature of the placement of these materials, the comments are aimed at creating negative images of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and its political leadership among other users, ”the protocol says.
At the same time, Maksimov noted at the trial that he considers it “abnormal to use Nazi symbols in the ranks of military personnel in the SVO”, in his opinion, the letter V refers to the symbols of Nazi Germany.

In March 2022, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow recognized the poster "Fascism will not pass" as discrediting the Russian Armed Forces. “The content of visual agitation is clearly expressed by a negative attitude towards the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” the case file says. Activist Anastasia Krechetova received a fine of 50,000 rubles for the relevant poster.