Members of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy (SVOP) published an open letter condemning statements about the possibility of a “preemptive” Russian nuclear strike if the situation in Ukraine worsens.
“We are well aware of the results of ancient and modern studies of the possible damage resulting from such a war. Hoping that a limited nuclear conflict can be managed and prevented from escalating into a global nuclear war is the height of irresponsibility. This means that at stake is the destruction of tens and perhaps even hundreds of millions of people in Russia, Europe, China, the USA, and other countries. This is a direct threat to humanity in general.
For our country, destroyed in the course of such a catastrophe, for our people, disorganized by such a war, this would also mean the prospect of losing sovereignty under the pressure of the surviving peoples of the South.
Unacceptable pseudo-theoretical reasoning and emotional statements in the style of the so-called. "talk shows" to form such moods in society that can push for the adoption of disastrous decisions.
These are no longer theoretical concepts. This is not only a direct threat to all mankind, but also a very specific proposal to kill everyone who is dear to us and whom we love, ”the appeal says.
The statement notes that the authors of the message do not express the position of the entire Council, but share their own opinion.
Threats to use nuclear weapons from Russia have been heard since the first weeks of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Both Vladimir Putin and other Russian politicians have repeatedly made such threats. In June, Profile magazine published an article by political scientist Sergei Karaganov, the essence of which was that Russia “should launch a preventive nuclear strike on Europe” in order to “break the will of the West” and achieve victory in the war with Ukraine.