Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel that former British Prime Minister Liz Truss, after the explosions of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, allegedly sent a message to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken with the words “It's done” (“Done”). She demanded an "official answer" from London whether this was true, and added that this was "expected by millions of people around the world." The accusation was immediately picked up by the Russian media. Earlier, the British newspaper Daily Mail wrote about Truss' personal mobile phone being hacked by "agents suspected of working for the Kremlin."

In her post, Zakharova stipulated that “she doesn’t care who and how received this information.” And this is no coincidence. Its primary source is the unsuccessful businessman Kim Dotcom.
He is wanted by the United States due to allegations of copyright infringement, money laundering, racketeering and wire fraud. He is currently suing the government of New Zealand, where he lives, to avoid extradition to the States. He was also arrested in Germany and Thailand for hacking, spying and selling stolen phone numbers.
Dotcom is known for his baseless claims and conspiracy theories: for example, he claimed that former President Barack Obama, who colluded with all of Hollywood, was behind his prosecution.
Dotcom is also known for promoting a pro-Russian agenda: for example, in September, he tweeted that the war in Ukraine was “provoked by the United States” and that the States are the main ones responsible for this war. Dotcom has been writing about the fact that the war in Ukraine is a “proxy war” of the United States since May. And in March, he complained about "censorship" in the United States due to the blocking of the pro-Kremlin channel RT.
But even leaving aside the question of how the New Zealand scammer got access to data allegedly obtained by Russian hackers, a major inconsistency is striking: according to the Daily Mail, Truss's phone was hacked during the Conservative summer campaign, when Ms Truss was Minister of Foreign Affairs. After that, the mobile phone was “placed in a locked safe in a secure government building,” British journalists write. Meanwhile, explosions at Nord Stream occurred on the night of September 26. It is not clear how Truss was able to retrieve a phone from a secure safe after the incident to send a message to Blinken.