Coronavirus in the morning November 24 (data from Hopkins University)
passed away 6 625 802 human / identified 639 511 643 infections. France has surpassed Indonesia in the number of deaths.
1. ?? US 1,078,929 / 98,503,462
2. ?? Brazil 689,272 / 35,082,036
3. ?? India 530,596 / 44,671,300
4. ?? Russia 383 728 / 21 244 991
5. ?? Mexico 330,495 / 7,125,176
6. ?? Peru 217,287 / 4,197,026
7. ?? Britain 212 086 / 24 203 988
8. ?? Italy 180 518 / 24 031 538
9. ?? France 159,551 / 37,690,658
10. ?? Indonesia 159,524 / 6,627,538
RIA Novosti (@rian_ru)